My name is Håkon Rian Mancient Ueland.
Music is my prayer, life, and therapy. I create Healing Music.
I am a master teacher, monk (<– this is my Lama, Tulku Lobsang), priest, artist, DJ, CEO, social worker and therapist. I have a weekly DJ-show on Radio Dark Tunnel.
I am also an author – read my books HERE and HERE.
I used to live in a cult in Sweden – Linbu. Since they hurt people, I decided to leave. To warn others, I was part of a few articles – you can download them in pdf-format here (Göteborgsposten) and here (Aftonbladet).
I am happy to say I am now a Guinness World Record Holder, as a contributor to the world’s largest book of quatrains.
Click the image to get a copy of Hyperpoem.

One of my articles were included in Impact Magazine last year – read it HERE 🙂
Very happy to announce, I am included in this book from Hoinser Group – very grateful to be picked out as one of 100 from the 700.000.000 people on LinkedIn.
I was also invited to participate in the book initiative by Ukrainian Deputy Minister, Kostiantyn Koshelenko, “Management in Times of War: Reflections on Productivity, Resilience and Values”. Here he is with Roman, the literary agent. You can follow this project on LinkedIn.

I am a world record holder and journalist. And Certified Holistic Healer in Norway, as well as Tsa Lung Energy healer under Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche. Tulku means «Living Buddha».
Why did I start Earth House? Because I have a vision … people standing hand-in-hand, no matter their religion, race or cultural background. We are all one. We all came from the same womb, working to overcome our challenges. And this world has many challenges.

Get the album HERE!

If you want to learn more about me, you can listen to these interviews:
Dr. Marilyn Scott (Part 1 and Part 2)
Terry Jaymes (Spotify and Apple Music)
John Lenhart, the worlds foremost psychological modeller.
Speaking with Inderjit Singh, airport consultant and deep thinker.
Written interviews:
Interview on the MBtM-blog where I also review music.
From I Am Malabika (Indian moviemaker and champion for women’s rights).
From HØ (in Norwegian): Verden åpnet seg igjen med høreapparat
(Google Translation): The World Reopened with Hearing Aids
From Global Powerhouse Mag (Lady Anita Bradshaw). – about drug-free alternatives to standard psychiatric treatment.
I have a variety of websites:
My oldest page is – unfortunately, the Flash plugin is obsolete, so you can’t hear any music there.
My (mostly) Norwegian page,, is dedicated to my bachelor in child welfare, as well as different blog articles and ramblings. Please use Google Translate if you don’t understand Norwegian.
My page Surroundtherapy is dedicated to my own therapy concept. It also details some important influences. is a Linktree. Just a place to post … music, thought, books and such. links to my music (some of these links are shown as “not secure”. Proceed if you wish).
My charity is Earth House Charity.
This is me on Google Maps – and if you are looking to hear my music, SoundCloud is the go2-place. I have approx. 450 original tracks there.

I used to be the Global minister of Arts & Culture in the Kingdom of Atlantis. I have resigned my position.